Wilson Racket Buying Guide

AP/ Kin Cheung, file

Wilson Racket Buying Guide

Buying the Perfect Wilson Tennis Racket

Are you a Pete Sampras or Roger Federer fan looking to invest in a top-quality racket to take your game to the next level?

Whether you’re a fan of those two greats or not, Wilson has something for you. In this blog, we’ll break down a few of the best rackets that Wilson offers and what to look for when making your purchase.

Types of Wilson Tennis Rackets

Wilson offers several different types of rackets depending on your skill level and playing style. Here are some of the most popular models:

The Blade is one of the most popular rackets for intermediate players and pros alike. It’s great for those who are looking for a balanced blend of power and control. This racket also has an impressive sweet spot which helps create more consistent shots. They provide precision and feel but are also spin-friendly. I played with this racket for years and loved its balance.

The Pro Staff is perfect for advanced players who want maximum control over their shots. This was the weapon of choice for Sampras and Federer.
This racket has an extra-long handle to help generate powerful groundstrokes and serves. It also has an open string pattern which helps create spin on the ball. Finally, due to its weight, when you do want to go for it, the racket provides that heavy pace on the ball that opponents will have a hard time handling.

The Burn is ideal for beginners who want to get into playing tennis quickly. It provides excellent power and forgiveness, which makes it easier to hit accurate shots while still being able to generate some speed on them too. Additionally, it weighs less than 10 ounces so it won’t be too tiring on your arms during long matches. This racket also provides easy spin, making it ideal for those beginners that are looking to be consistent but still have the ability to push your opponent back.

The Clash is some of my favorite rackets. They have a unique dampness to them that makes them very comfortable to play with. When you play with this racket it feels like the sweet spot is endless. It’s also well-balanced, gives you nice control, and doesn’t compromise power. It’s also very spin friendly.

How To Choose The Right Wilson Tennis Racket

When selecting your Wilson tennis racket, there are several factors you’ll need to consider such as weight, head size, grip size, and string pattern among other things. For example, if you’re looking for a racket with more power then you may want one with a larger head size since this will give you more room to generate speed on your shots without sacrificing control too much. On the other hand, if you prefer more control then a smaller head size could be beneficial since it gives you more accuracy when hitting shots at slower speeds or with spin on them. Additionally, make sure that the grip size is comfortable in your hand; if it’s too small or too large then it can lead to poor shot execution due to a lack of control over the racket itself during swings.

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Tennis Warehouse and get your new Wilson racket in time for Christmas!

Like always, don’t forget to jump on to the TennisPAL app to stay up to date on tennis news, find groups of friends to play with, and get a virtual coach to help with your tennis game.


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Comments: 2

  1. Cathy Young

    Do you give advice on racket suggestions? . I currently have a Wilson 125 Ultra about 5 or so years old. I love this racket but looking for a new Wilson any suggestions to purchase? Would line a similar racket. Appreciate your help and response.
