Payment Processing in TennisPAL

Payment Processing in TennisPAL

We are excited to introduce payment processing in TennisPAL.

Here at TennisPAL we just launched a new feature that gives you the ability to receive and manage payments for events through the app calendar. As a student, you’ll be charged a varied amount depending on how much each coach charges per session or event.

Using the new features is simple. Create an event in the TennisPAL calendar the same way as before. Then input a ticket cost that will be charged for each person who accepts your invitation. You can pay online with credit card and a receipt of your purchases will be sent to you by email. Payments through the TennisPAL app are only charged a fee of 10%.

Make sure that your app is up-to-date so that you can start using these features today.

Here’s a preview of what these features look like:















As always, share your feedback with our team so we can build the best app for you! Simply send us your suggestions through the app or email us at


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