Moments in the TennisPAL App

Moments in the TennisPAL App

Moments is the first page of the TennisPAL app and the global feed of the TennisPAL community. Moments is where you can post links, images, or video to everyone in the TennisPAL community. You can interact with these moments; scroll, like, and comment. You can also flag inappropriate posts and manage posts made by you.


How to use Moments in the TennisPAL app

Open the TennisPAL app and navigate to the Moments tab.
Here you can scroll through posts from the community.
Like posts by tapping the heart.
Comment on posts by tapping the comment icon. Type your comment and tap Yes to submit.
Delete your comment by tapping the trash can and confirming to delete.
Flag posts that you find inappropriate by tapping the flag. By reporting the post, TennisPAL community managers will investigate your submission.

Adding a Moment

In your Moments feed, tap the add post button.
On this page, you can add your link, photo, video, and text.
When you’re ready to post, tap the add post button again.
After it’s posted, watch likes and comments flow in from the TennisPAL community.

Managing your Posts

You can easily manage your posts from the side menu.
Tap on Manage My Posts.
Here you can see all of your posts and delete them if you wish.

Some things to remember and takeaway

TennisPAL Moments is the global feed where the community interacts and shares links, pictures, and video with each other. Be active in the community by liking and commenting on posts. You can also report posts and manage posts that you have made.

This is one of the great features in TennisPAL check out our other tutorials to learn more tips.


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