Lend Your Skills as a Tennis Coach and Make Money While Doing It

Lend Your Skills as a Tennis Coach and Make Money While Doing It

Becoming a tennis coach has never been easier.

And if you’re already a coach, maintaining your repertoire of students is only a profile away. There’s an app for everything these days, and luckily for tennis fanatics there’s TennisPAL- an app especially designed for tennis players and coaches that allows you to connect with like-minded players in your community.

In other words, if you’re a tennis coach already, then this app is a must! If you’ve always wanted to become a tennis coach but didn’t have the resources to do so, TennisPAL is even more of a must!

For coaches specifically, this also means making a bit of extra cash at a rate determined by you. Follow a few simple steps in the TennisPAL profile-building process and start building your coaching schedule with students far and wide, or close to home- it’s up to you. You also have the ability to create your schedule based on your own personal availability. Like we said, coaching has never been easier.


Decide on the proximity within which you’d like to conduct lessons.


Decide on the types of students you’d like to coach. We suggest being open to students of all levels! This will make you a better, more flexible, and well-rounded coach.


Decide on the location you’d like to make your home-court for coaching lessons. You can also be willing to go to the student for lessons and decide on a court nearest to them. Perhaps, it’s easiest to meet half- way, like we said it’s up to you!


Have a look at the ‘Payment Processing in TennisPAL’ article posted in the TennisPAL Coach blog for more information on how to set up the payment option within the app.


Decide on the amount you want to charge each student. This can be different based on the experience and/or level of the student, or you can choose to charge a flat rate per half-hour, hour, ect. You can also create an event with a set location, time, and amount to be charged per person. Invite multiple students, players within the TennisPAL community, and fellow coaches for a fun and active day of tennis.


As your band of followers and students expands, you’ll have the freedom to manage your schedule and income as you please. The perks of modern day technology allow you to become your own boss. So in the words of Nike: Just Do It!



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