Flex League 2021
It’s time to gear up for TennisPAL Flex League 2021!
Registered players will get assigned to leagues for a 10-week long tournament of fun competition. So, are you game?
Registration is now open in the following select areas: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Boston, Dallas, Houston, New York, and Chicago.
Here’s how to register: In the TennisPAL app, click on the calendar icon and find the Official Flex League event on February 3rd. Then, RSVP for the event and complete payment. Look out for a chat message from Concierge with additional information about the league.
You are not a TennisPAL member? No worries! Download the app and join the TennisPAL Flex League today!
Rules & Scoring
Below are TennisPAL’s official rules for the 2021 Flex League. Please read these carefully
- After Registration has closed, TennisPAL Concierge will contact you through chat to connect you with your assigned league
- Contact people in your league to organize your match at a location and time you both agree on (there is no order on who to play first)
- Split the court fees
- Bring a can of new balls; play with one and the winner will take the other one
- Play 2 out 3 sets, regular scoring
- If you feel there is not enough court time and would like to play a 10-point tiebreaker in lieu of a 3rd set, the decision has to be made before the start of the match and both parties have to agree. If the opponent is not in agreement, you should play a 3rd set. The 10-point tiebreaker will be reported as 7-6 to make it consistent with actual 3rd set result
- Report your score to TennisPAL Concierge
- Players earn points based on the system explained below (Earning Points)
- A player’s league position is based on his/her total points earned.
- At the end of the season, we will have a playoff among the top 4, single elimination
- The champion will win a $50 gift card and a trophy
- Finalists will receive trophies
Earning Points:
Players/Teams receive points based on the set scores of your match.
Point Calculations
The Winning Player Receives:
12 points for a 3 set win
14 points for a 2 set win
The Losing Player Receives:
One point for each game won in their “two highest scoring sets”.
A losing player can receive up to a maximum of 8 points per match.
Example match score: 6-4, 6-2
winner receives 14 points
loser receives 6 points
Example match score: 6-2, 4-6, 7-5
winner receives 12 points
loser receives 8 points
If you have any questions please message TennisPAL Concierge through chat or email us at info@tennispal.com
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