svetlana kuznetsova

Indian Wells Legends – Daniela Hantuchova
Indian Wells Legends – Daniela Hantuchova

Daniela Hantuchova was one of the most popular players in the last 20 years. She was tall, graceful, and tactical. She had great touch at the net which led to even greater success in doubles. Although she had a fantastic career, with a career-high of #5 in singles and...

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The Russian Men’s Tennis Revolution
The Russian Men’s Tennis Revolution

For a very long time, it was Russian women tennis players that ruled the world. Leading the charge was Maria Sharapova, Anastasia Myskina, and Svetlana Kuznetsova. All were top 10 players and all won grand slams. Behind them was yet another tier of top 10 players, who...

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Top 5 Women’s Clay Court Players
Top 5 Women’s Clay Court Players

Unlike the top clay-court players of all time on the men’s side, the women’s side of great clay-court players of all time has Americans. American women just seem to win on the stuff! It’s interesting that historically, there has been no such thing as a clay-court...

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